Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The road to Atlanta

Chapel Hill, North Carolina to Atlanta, Georgia

So the packers arrive. One man short, again. I phone the ever helpful Frank "I already have my commission so I'm Ok" to find that he can't do anything to help, I should phone dispatch. Needless to say, I did not want to have another fruitless conversation so I went onto other things, like helping to get the house packed faster! 

We finally hit the road at 3.30pm. Car packed, kids installed. Full tank of gas and a bunch of miles... hit it!

North Carolina blended into South Carolina and then into Georgia. To be honest, it all looked the same and since we did not see Charlotte, the first city we saw was Atlanta at 10pm. We had a quick pit stop for Wendy's and gas before Atlanta and Oliver had slept some of the way, which was good. The kids had gone through their backpacks in 10 minutes, it all distributed over the car like some twister had touched down in the rear. The day was saved by "Charlie & Lola" on the DVD player. I think we may be sick of the English kids by the end of this...

Eventually at 10.30pm on the other side of Atlanta we call it quits. A little behind where we wanted to be but close enough. Checking in at the first Days Inn Ava bursts into uncontrollable crying (she had been asleep) which lasted what felt like an hour but was probably 15 minutes. We all slide into bed and close out eyes and dream of well... I can't remember.

Day #1 down, 11 to go... yikes.

  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Georgia

Food Count
  • Dinner : Wendy's Spicy Chicken Sandwich

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