Monday, July 28, 2008

The start of the beginning...

So we start tomorrow, a mad idea indeed. Often asked why don't we fly, well everybody does that these days right? So what could be more fun than locking up two kids (five and a half and three) in a VW and drive from North Carolina to California via New Orleans and Route 66 for 12 days... 

The house is not packed, the movers turned up one man short and then finished at 6pm with a shrug of their shoulders. "Could not finish boss..". They return tomorrow to complete the job. We have been promised at least three guys, maybe a fourth to get the job done by 1pm at the very latest. We shall see. If nothing else its leverage for a discount from our man "Frank". Another night sleeping on the floor so lets see what happens.

So if nothing else, this blog will record what not to do when crossing America with two kids!

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