Friday, August 15, 2008

And the story continues...

So driving across America? Piece of cake compared to buying a home in post sub-prime meltdown mortgage world. The truth is that selling a house, buying a house, moving your stuff etc. is all dependent on a bunch of vendors. Whilst they like to promise the earth once they have the smell of your money, well, all bets are off right once thy have it.

The paperwork from Bank Of America was due Aug-11. We would sign then and have all the paperwork to get Ava enrolled in school. We we due to close Aug-14, and we had requested the truck to arrive Aug-15. All peachy then.

So Monday Aug-11 we find the truck is now due Aug-13, at least tow days early. Aug-11 went by without the said documents from Bank of America. Then Aug-12 rolled by, again with out a word from our friends in the banking (pronounced with a silent "w") world. 

First break, truck is delayed until Aug-15. Yippee!

Aug-13 rolls on. Paperwork will be at the title company by 9am, then 11am, then 3pm. 4pm rolls past, title company on the phone  and then by a miracle the paperwork arrives as we are speaking. We rush to the bank to get a cashier check for the deposit... I refused to hold it, its way too much money for me to loose. Race to the title company using the directions of the iPhone, run upstairs and hand the check to the assistant with 3 minutes to go before the check has to hit the bank.

Phew. Now we just had to wait until the morning for Bank Of America to fund and the transaction to record. We need to record on Thursday Aug-14 so that we have the keys and the truck has somewhere to deliver. If not, then the truck will be sitting until at least midday.

I can't exactly recall what we did that day, I know we checked out the hotel our stay was up. We either sleep on Shelly's floor that night or on the floor of our new house. And a miracle was blessed upon us, we got to sleep in an empty house. We recorded a little after 2.30pm and had the keys by 4pm.

Funny, not a word from the truck all this time. I had rang too late on Thursday to get a update from the East Coast. John's Moving (aka "We have your cash, go play on the freeway") had an emergency, but clearly ours was not enough to at least get a courtesy call back. Get a call Friday Aug-15 in the morning. Truck had a problem and has another delivery in San Francisco before us. They may get to us Saturday afternoon or many be Sunday. Oh, and they under estimated by 20% and they want the payment before they will deliver.

So I'm sitting here typing this on the floor. Comcast did provide us cable today (much drilling of holes in the floor) so we have Internet but not TV. Tomorrow. Who knows. A truck? Furniture? Beds? Its too fanciful to be a reality that I want to imagine right now.

But, after all is said and done we are sitting in our new (well crica 1959) house.

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